Why some carpet spots come back - Wicking

There are a few reasons why spots come back after home cleaning, and even sometimes after professional cleaning. The most common persistent spots are due to something called “wicking.”

What is “Wicking?”

You may have seen this as a science experiment in school. The teacher will have the kids will place a candle wick, strip of cloth, paper, or celery into a cup of water with food coloring. As this happens, the colored water will rise up the fabric. Therefore when moisture rises up your carpet’s fibers, it is “wicking” back. As neat as this is to watch, it is the opposite of what we want in our carpet.

How do carpets “Wick” back up?

Wicking happens when moisture or cleaning agents move from the backing of the carpet fibers upward to the tips of the fibers bringing hidden or embedded dirt from the bottom of the fibers with them.

Sports or Stains that cause wicking problems are stains created by a large amount of liquid that cannot be quickly or fully removed or dried before they soak the backside and/or pad below the carpet. One common type spot that can easily cause this issue is pet urine, since it is usually released with pressure and may not be found immediately. Cleaning urine spots often makes it worse, since most people add more liquid through the form of cleaners in an attempt to spot clean. The additional liquid allows more of it to soak into the backing and padding, or even spread and become larger. Creating a perfect opportunity for wicking.

How to prevent and clean a “Wicking” spot

When a spot or pet urine happens, the best thing to do is to remove as much liquid as possible using towels and fans. Be careful and sparing when using a liquid carpet cleaner. A wet-dry vacuum can help remove larger amounts of liquid. In the end, the only real solution is to have the spot professionally cleaned. High quality professional cleaning companies can add enough water to sufficiently dilute the spot and remove enough water from deep within the carpet that the spot is removed and does not wick back. In certain situations, wicking can also occur after a professional has cleaned the area. A professional carpet cleaner wont alway know what may be down inside the carpet pad.

If we become aware of a wicking situation or a possible wicking situation do to pet urine or previously used store-bought cleaners that were not properly flushed out, we can use the proper equipment to subextract moisture from below the carpet backing and into the pad.

Be sure to read our next Blog on another reason spots can return without wicking. See you then!


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